Robin B. Kindermann

Robin B. Kindermann

CEO & Founder

About Robin B. Kindermann

I am convinced that intelligence is not predetermined. Everybody has the capacity to develop their cognitive abilities and should take advantage of it. However, most people are failing to do so for a variety of reasons; principally because honing one's mind takes devotion and effort, which may be less alluring than engaging in an online game.
To solve this problem I created SPH1NX - the first ever play-to-earn online riddle game, where players can compete for real money while getting smarter along the way!
Our mission at SPH1NX rests upon providing “Empowerment and Equality through intellect!". My aim? To empower everyone, by offering them entertaining ways of exercising cognitive abilities whilst making money along the way.

In my free time, I devote myself entirely to music and sports. I have been playing the cello and piano for ages. In addition, I produce my own music. The creativity and freedom I experience in doing so are of immeasurable value to me. In addition to my love for music, I am an enthusiastic basketball player and spend as much time as possible on the court.